Planting Your Dahlia Tubers
You’ve received your dahlia tubers in the mail- now what?!
If it’s still too early to plant outside, open your package and keep your tubers in the packing material they came in or add them to your home collection of tubers in storage. Check on them occasionally to make sure they like their storage conditions. I like to wake my tubers up for a few weeks in about 55-60°F vs the usual low temp of 43°F I store them in over the winter.
If the ground is at least 50°F or it’s past your growing zone’s last frost date, it’s time to plant! Follow the instructions below for a successful start.
1. Plant your dahlia tubers after the last expected frost date in your growing zone
2. Tubers should be placed on their side and planted 4-6” deep in the ground and at least 12” apart. I add a sprinkle of bone meal to the hole before planting. Be sure to plant in well-draining soil- too much moisture can lead to rot!
3. Place a stake and label at time of planting to avoid injuring the tuber later on
4. Little water is needed until you see the dahlia sprout, which could take up to 5-6 weeks
5. Slugs love to eat young dahlia foliage, so be sure to sprinkle Sluggo Plus around your dahlias as they emerge from the soil
6. Pinch or snip off the growing center stem when the plant reaches about 9-12” tall - this will increase the amount of blooms you get all season!
6. Enjoy your blooms and be sure to tag @fleurflowerfarm in your beautiful dahlia photos!